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Welcome to IDA Restaurant

Even at the end of the 50s, the beach Maronti, formerly known Quatior
(Quiet beach), it was the destination of only a few local people and some stranger.
In 1959, when our parents decided to start their activity caterers,
It was for those times a life wager.
Both had no experience in the field.
The first hot meal that was cooked in a wood cabin with a small terrace covered with reeds, called then "Ristorante Ida" (the name of our mother), was the pasta with "spolichini": the first customer, a dentist meat sauce.
Today, our kitchen still retains the authenticity of the time while offering a wider choice of dishes.
Our working philosophy is based on product quality and freshness, and that is why we carefully select the fish that we prepare for our guests as well as all other products that we serve on our tables.

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The Beach

Visit the island’s largest beach

Enjoy the Sun and Sea in full Relax

Rental Sunbeds and Sunshades

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It's time to seat for a dinner


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Restaurant Ida: il BLOG

Info & Contacts

Ristorante Ida

Spiaggia Dei Maronti
Barano D'Ischia - CAP 80070
Email: info@ristoranteida.it
Tel: +39 081990163

Aperto tutti i giorni*

* Il Martedì sera il ristorante resterà chiuso

Open all days*

* On Tuesday night the restaurant will be closed



For information and reservations:
call to 081990163


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